DOT- Design Outdoor Taste Milan Week 2023

Brera Design District, Piazza San Marco

from 18 to 23 April 2023

In an oasis of beauty and conviviality, the Officina dei Giardini will present its new work: “Viva Magenta!” the glamorous and ecofriendly glass house!

The VI edition of dOT-design Outdoor Taste will be held from 18 to 23 April 2023, the most awaited event dedicated to outdoor design & living during the days of the Fuorisalone, within the official circuit of the Brera Design District.

A fascinating historical and artistic heritage in the heart of the city, on the occasion of the Milan Design Week, becomes the point of reference for operators and lovers of life en plein air and opens the doors of the cloisters of San Marco with an exhibition which, in the sign of continuity between inside and outside, is an expression of experimentation and formal and aesthetic hybridization of materials.

For further information, please visit the attached links and read the PDF on the event