L’Officina dei Giardini; skills and competences of the doors and windows installation system certified by Certi.s
L’Officina dei Giardini obtained in 2020 the certification in compliance with the European training framework EQF 4 by the competent body Certi.s, certifying the knowledge, skills and competences of the window installation system according to the UNI 11673-2 series.
This recognition provides a license for installation certified by Certi.s and represents the confirmation of the competence, gained over time in the window and door sector, assuring the client of L’Officina dei Giardini that, in addition to compliance with current regulatory requirements, the company has also undertaken to operate according to an ethical and deontological code of conduct, and has accepted that the certification body constantly monitors its behavior (a fundamental element for maintaining the certification), guaranteeing in general the quality of the work in all its phases.
By “certifiable competence” we mean a set of highly elevated knowledge and skills proven by a well-structured institutional validation procedure and is defined as a public act aimed at guaranteeing transparency and recognition of learning, in line with the guidelines set by the European Union.
The Certi.s certification was achieved by the company through a regulated path that sees its professionalism officially recognized at national and European level, making the professional installer fall within the requisites required to obtain incentives, including for example the Ecobonus or further tax breaks in the construction sector.